

A Numerical Simulation of Hemodynamics in 2-Way CABG
摘要 作为对传统单路动脉移植管旁通术的改进,提出了一种新的双路对称移植管旁通术的几何构型.采用有限元法数值模拟了新构型中生理真实的血液流动,得到并分析了1个心动周期内,缝合区附近血流动力学参数,如流形、压力和壁面剪应力等的时空分布情况.计算结果表明,双路对称移植管旁通比单路旁通具有更好的血流动力学特性,流场得到明显的改善,从而可以减小再狭窄的可能性. As an improvement of the conventional 1-way bypass graft for stenosed arteries, a new geometric configuration with symmetric 2-way bypass grafts is presented. The physiological blood flow in the improved model is simulated with finite element method. The temporal and spatial distributions of the hemodynamics during a cardiac cycle, such as flow patterns, wall shear stress and pressure etc., in the vicinity of anastomosis are analyzed. The results show that the hemodynamics in the 2-way bypass grafts are better than those in the 1-way bypass graft. The 2-way bypass grafts can considerably improve the flow conditions and decrease the probability of restenosis.
出处 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期527-532,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology
基金 Foundation item:Supported by Beijing Municipal Education Commission Project(KM2004100050007).
关键词 再狭窄 血流动力学 冠状动脉移植管搭桥术 仿真 restenosis hemodynamics coronary artery bypass graft(CABG) simulation
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