
从“资源配置”到“知识创造” 被引量:1

Beyond deployment of resource——Why entrepreneurial theory of the firm is better than the traditional ones
摘要 本文首先介绍了近五年来创业公司理论的新成果。进而论述了创业公司理论对传统公司理论的两大超越:(1)突破了传统公司理论仅在封闭系统中讨论资源配置的局限,倡导以开放系统中的价值创造为研究重心。创业公司理论不满足于静态解释公司的存在,致力于揭示创业的过程规律和公司的发展动态;(2)创业公司理论逐步将传统的公司理论整合在自己的框架内,并且越来越强调知识和决策在价值创造过程中的作用,从而促进其与决策科学和组织学习研究的对接和融合。 Since 1990' s , significant and rapid development can be seen in the field of theory of the firm (TF). Based on relative literatures in the latest 5 years, the author introduces the main works on entrepreneurial theory of the firm ( ETF). Then, the author proposes that the breakthrough of those theories can be classified into two aspects: (1) The process of value-creating, rather than the deployment of resource, has become the central issue of ETF. ETF gives a better interpretation of the phenomena of firm that is obviously an open system. Moreover, ETF is a dynamic theory and apply itself to explain the law of evolutionary path of firm. (2) ETF emphasizes the role of decision-maker, and this promote it converge with decision - making science and organizational learning field. All in all, ETF assimilates traditional TF, and transcends the later as well.
作者 倪宁 王重鸣
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期656-661,共6页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(70232010)
关键词 创业 公司理论 知识 组织学习 entrepreneurship theory of the firm knowledge organizational learning
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