
基于组织学习的联盟网络形成机理研究 被引量:4

Study on the forming mechanism of alliance network based on the organization learning
摘要 联盟网络作为一种网络化的组织形式,已经引起研究者们的广泛关注并从不同角度,运用不同方法做了分析研究。本文从组织学习的视角,运用组织学习理论,分析联盟网络形成过程中的组织学习机制,构建了组织学习与联盟网络的互动模型以刻画其形成机理。 As an emerging organizational form, alliance network is being paid more attention, and many theoretical and methodological researched have been done from different perspective. In this paper, the organization learning theory is used, and the mechanism of organization learning is being analyzed in the course of forming alliance network from the organization learning perspective. Meanwhile, the interdynamic model between the organization learning and alliance network is being set up to portray its formation mechanism.
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期672-676,共5页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 山西省哲学社会规划研究项目([2004]4) 陕西省教育厅人文社科基金专项科研计划项目(04JK283)
关键词 组织学习 联盟网络 形成机理 微观机制 organization learning alliance network formation mechanism micro mechanism
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