
创业研究前沿理论探讨:理论流派与发展趋势 被引量:20

Entrepreneurship research: Theoretical perspectives and the new trend
摘要 本文评述了经济学理论中均衡和非均衡观点对创业现象的讨论及其建立在此假设条件上的其它学科中具有代表性的创业研究理论观点,包括供给学派的心理学理论、资源观和需求学派的社会文化理论观点与持非均衡假设的机会观。本文重点讨论了这些理论观点对创业研究的贡献与不足,探讨了创业研究的发展趋势,并在机会观点的基础上引入了社会资本观视角的创业研究。我们认为,传统经济学理论无法解决创业现象从外部给均衡状态带来的冲击问题,奥地利学派虽然持动态系统观点,却无法模型化。社会心理学视角的创业研究结果相互矛盾,也没有产生多少有见地的观点。资源观试图将资源观、创业能力和均衡联系在一起,但仍然不能解释创业机敏现象。社会文化学观点讨论了社会文化环境对形成创业家个性与行为特征的影响,但同样没有取得什么重要的进展。我们认为,机会观点和社会资本观点摈弃均衡分析方法,转而考察在信息不完全条件下的创业过程,探讨创业个体与机会获取之间的关系,为进一步解释创业现象拓宽了一个全新的视野。 With a critical literature review of the theoretical perspectives in entrepreneurship research, the paper points out the new trend which is based on the disequilibrium analysis. We discuss the achievements and weakness of equilibrium approach which consists of supply perspectives and demand perspectives as well as the light shed on entrepreneurship by the opportunity perspective of disequilibrium approach. We pointed out that the traditional economic theory cannot deal with the shock of creation to equilibrium, and that Austrian School cannot, either, use model to describe entrepreneurship, it has a dynamic systemic view though. In psychology research there occurred many contradictive results about entrepreneurial individuals; moreover, there didn't appear any insightful perspectives. The social cultural perspective discussed the influence of social environment on entrepreneurial personality and behavior, but it didn' t offer any contribution to the research framework and model. Resource - based view has tried to linked resources to entrepreneurial capability and equilibrium, but cannot explain entrepreneurial alertness yet. We hold that with the disequilibrium analysis, opportunity view and social capital view focus on entrepreneurial individuals and opportunities, establishing a promising conceptual framework.
作者 朱仁宏
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期688-696,共9页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70073042)
关键词 创业研究 理论流派 发展趋势 entrepreneurship research theoretical perspectives new trend
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