Because of progressive infectious necrosis on right hand and forearm for 3 months and the necrosis on left mid-finger for 2 months, a girl patient,Yang Xiaoxia was admitted on 15th, Nov. 1994. Systemic intoxicative symptom was slight and the necrotic tissue presented black scar. After 3 months treatment by application of multiple antibiotics, local dressing changes and an amputation of right froearm,the necrosis could not be stopped but keeping deteriorating. Through experts' consulta-tion, systemic surpportive therapy, wide-spectrum antibiotics cilastatin sodium and complete debride-ment were adopted. One week later, the fresh surface of granulation tissue was seen,and skin grafting was performed. The wound healed 3 months later. After further rehablitation, the left thumb,index vnd fifth finger showed normal function. A mechanical motional artificial limb was installed on right forearm and discharged. The deep necrotic tissue of left mid-finger was examined. Results of culture from several hospital presented 2 kinds of aerobic bacteria and 10 kinds of the anaerobic, of which,the names of 3 kinds are still unknown. Pathological examination showed chronic pyogenic necrotic infec-tion ,spreading from skin to deep muscles and interosseous membrane. And infiltration of eosinopbilic granulocytes was found in the infectious region. Conclusion : This patients is progressive gangrene of the extremity caused by rare co-infection of multiple bacteria. The charecteristcs were slight systemic intox-icative symptom,local progressive necrosis and formation of black scar. By means of systemic surp-portive therapy, application of wide-spctrum antibiotics cilastatin sodium, complete debridement and skin grafting, the patient was cured.
Chinese Journal of Surgery