
矫正策略的演变:学业不良儿童的智能、技能问题 被引量:1

Variation of correction procedure: intellectual and technical problems in children with learning difficulty
摘要 目的:回顾对学业不良儿童相关矫正策略的演变历程,探讨如何针对其身心特点进行教育与矫正。方法:通过文献收集、回顾的方法,应用计算机检索Medline1978-01/2005-04和EBSCO1988-01/2005-04期间的相关文章,检索词“learningdisability,correctionprocedure,specialhandicap″,并限定文章语言种类为English。同时计算机检索中国期刊网数据库1990-01/2004-12期间的相关文章,检索词“学业不良,心理,矫正”,限定文章语言种类为中文,经总结得出矫正策略的演变轨迹。结果:学业不良儿童的智能、技能矫正策略经历从神经心理过程训练,到后来的认知策略传授,再到从心理治疗角度出发的感觉统合训练、问题行为矫正,近年来又开始强调促进其社会性发展。①学业不良的类型及成因:大致分为发展性、学业性、行为——情绪性学业不良3类,造成学业不良的因素为生理、心理的内部因素和来自家庭、学校、社会等多方面外部因素。②训练策略的演变:随着认知心理学的兴起,相应教学策略之一为直接指导,另一种认知策略训练更得到广泛运用,并逐渐向多重、综合的训练模式发展。③感觉统合训练与学业不良矫治:从治疗角度讲,可以从感觉统合训练、问题行为矫正、特殊障碍矫治、注意缺陷矫治等方面采取措施。④近年来的新兴矫正途径:对于学习困难学生的问题行为、特殊障碍和注意缺陷,可以通过专门的心理治疗和心理咨询来加以解决。结论:学业不良常会导致社会交往障碍并引起自我效能感的缺乏,这进一步加剧了个体的厌学、焦虑情绪,形成一种恶性循环。学业不良儿童除智能、技能矫正策略及神经心理过程训练,到后来的认知策略传授,还应改变和促进学生的社会性发展来改变其学业不良状况。 AIM: To review the development of correction procedure in children with learning difficulty, and explore how to educate and correct them based on children's features physically and mentally. METHODS: By the way of collecting data and reviewing literature, we searched for related articles with key words "learning disability, correction procedure, special handicap" in database of Medline published from January 1978 to April 2005 and EBSCO published from January 1988 to April 2005 by computer, and limited the language to English. Meanwhile, we searched China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) for related articles with key words "learning disability, mental and correct" by computer, and limited the language to Chinese. The trait of development of correction procedure was summed up. RESULTS: Originally, the training on-correction procedure of intelligence and skill in learning difficulty for neural and mental process; latterly, the teaching for sentry integration training and problem behavior modification from the angle of psychological treatment; And accelerating its social development was stressed recently. ① Type and reason of learning difficulty: It was 3 types roughly: development, school work, behavior-emotion. The reasons of low-achievement in academy were physical and psychological internal factors and external factors from family, school and society etc. ②Variation of training strategy: With the development of cognitive psychology, one of the corresponding teaching strategy was direct instruction, and another cognitive strategy training should be used extensively, and developed into multiple and comprehensive training style gradually. ③ Sensory integration and bad correction on school work: From the angle of therapy, the measure could be taken on the aspects of sensory integration training, problem behavior modification, special obstacle correction and attention defection correction etc. ④ New way of correction in recent years: The problem behavior, special obstacle and attention defection in students with lowachievement in school work could be solved with special psychological treatment and psychological counseling. CONCLUSION: The learning difficulty often lead to social handicap and cause the deficiency of self-efficiency, which intensify further individual tired of school and anxious emotion and form a vicious cycle. The social development in students should be changed and accelerated in order to change theirs bad condition in schoolwork, except the correction strategy on intelligence and skill and neural psychological process training, or cognitive strategy in children with learning difficulty.
作者 胡志海
机构地区 黄山学院教育系
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第36期110-111,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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