
设计中顺向风振与水平地震影响的比较 被引量:1

Comparison between the responses of wind-induced and horizontal seismic actions in design
摘要 针对我国某些地区存在的设计风压大而无抗震设防烈度的情况,结合设计中长期存在的疑问,讨论了结构物地震、顺风振响应的分析、比较,并由此推导了顺向风振结构的振型分解法计算公式。通过编程,对比计算了常规高层在不同条件下高风压和常见地震烈度的动力反应,绘制了相应的动力反应趋势图。在此基础上,参考我国《建筑抗震设计规范》的制订原则,对风振反应大而又无抗震设防的状况提出了意见。 Based on the condition that some zones in China have comparative high wind pressure but no requirement on the earthquake fortification intensity and some questions existed in the process of designing, assumptions and disciplines about the analysis of construction's responses of wind-induced and horizontal seismic actions are listed, and formulas of wind-induced models analysis method are derived in this paper. Through procedure of matlab, the responses of high-rising buildings caused by usual earthquake fortification intensity and high wind pressure are compared on various conditions. After that several tendency figures about the dynamic responses are given. Based on the discipline of 《code for seismic design of buildings》, some original advices, which can be helpful in those zones are presented at the end of paper.
出处 《四川建筑科学研究》 北大核心 2005年第5期94-98,共5页 Sichuan Building Science
关键词 顺向风振 脉动风 平均风 振型分解法 along wind vibration fluctuating wind average wind model analysis method
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