

Future Perspective of Christian Philosophy in Taiwan
摘要 根据祁尔松(Etienne Gilson)的说法,中世纪哲学,尤其是十三世纪的思想,是基督宗教哲学。本文按其在台湾发展时所袭用的名词,称之为士林哲学。士林哲学之传入中国,虽然早在利玛窦时期(1550 -1610)已经开始,但真正成为学术思想之主流之一,是最近五十年来在台湾地区的发展。20世纪初士林哲学初传入台湾时,当时的思想环境,对基督宗教哲学并不十分友善,这种种情况,与中世纪的思想家,面对信仰与神学之挑战相似。当时的思想家,融合各种不同的思想派系,对柏拉图与亚理斯多德的观念,重新诠释与批判,批判与诠释是创新的基础。所以,中世纪可说是哲学的第二春,而中世纪哲学之精华,即全盛期的士林哲学。十四世纪唯名论之后,士林哲学逐步式微,于十九世纪末再兴。本文认为,士林哲学在台湾发展之过程,与其在中世纪之盛行,及十九世纪末之再兴,背景虽异但有不少相似之处,而这些相似之处,正是士林哲学之基本思想与立场。本文对台湾士林哲学之发展,从四方面探讨:(1)回到形上学之根以面对新的挑战;(2)形上学基本立场与概念之说明;(3)反思与批判;(4)未来发展之方向。本文所参考之资料, 一是已发表之学术文献;其二是与学者们之正式交谈——如学术演讲、座谈会等,及非正式之谈话、访问等。 Christian Philosophy was introduced into China as early as the times of Matteo Ricci (1550- 1610), it really became one of the major currents of thought only during the last fifty years. What can a typically “Occidental” school of thought contribute to the rich philosophical heritage of ancient China? This is an important question that Christian philosophers are asking themselves. When Christian Philosophy first came to Taiwan, it had to confront a rather hostile situation. It was somewhat similar to the one that took place at the origin of Christian Philosophy. The necessity of a critical reflection upon Greek, Arabic philosophy and revelation was called upon. Reflection and Critical appraisal are the foundation of creative thinking. The result of it was what medieavel specialists nowadays called “ the second spring of metaphysics. ” During the period of the golden age, it developed into the so called “Scholastic Philosophy,” which flourished during the XIII century, gradually declined during the XIV century, after “Nominalism,” only to be revived at the end of XIX century. The general background in which Christian Philosophy developed in Taiwan, during the Middle Ages, and in its revival at the end of the XIX century is different, but we hold that there are some similarity. It is this similarity that allows us to discern the basic ideas and position of of Christian Philosophy. This paper investigates this question from four different aspects: (1) a return to the source of its metaphysics and the challenges it has to face; (2) exposition and clarification of the fundamental position and basic ideas of Christian Philosophy; (3) moment of critique and reflection; (4) future perspective. Materials used in this paper are based mostly on two sources: (1) books and articles published in this area; (2) papers delivered during academic conferences, dialogue with scholars, informal group discussion.
作者 高凌霞
出处 《现代哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期113-122,128,共11页 Modern Philosophy
关键词 基督宗教哲学 士林哲学 形上学 直接实在论 超验多玛斯学派 生命哲学 专业化 哲学人学 Christian Philosophy Scholastic Philosophy Metaphysics Immediate Realism Transcendental Thomism philosophy of Life Specialization Philosophy of Human Being
  • 相关文献


  • 1邬昆如.《士林哲学》[M].台北:五南图书公司,..
  • 2邬昆如 耿开君.哲学杂志(台北:业强出版社),.
  • 3LudgerHonnefelder.“对形上学传统之重新批判:以中世纪之形上学为例”[A]..“第二十届世界国际哲学会议”[C].美国波士顿,1998年8月10-16日..
  • 4罗光着.《生命哲学》[M].台北:学生书局,1985年1月..
  • 5沈清松.《〈中世哲学精神〉译序》[M].台北:国立编译馆,..
  • 6JeanLadrière教授 (高凌霞译).“哲学-科学与信仰之媒介”[Z].,1999年6月16日..
  • 7Bernard Lonergan. A Third Collection. London: Geoffrey Chapman, c. 1985; p. 43.
  • 8Lonergan. AT hird Collection. p. 53.
  • 9Josef Pieper, Guide to Thomas Aquinas (San Francisco:Ignatius Press, c. 1986. ) p. 3.
  • 10Professor Ludger Honnerfelder, in his talk given at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, August 10- 16, 1998, held in Boston, on the re-appraisal of traditional metaphysics. He gave as an example, medieaval philosophy.








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