
大脑两半球在语言加工中的作用 被引量:8

The Language Processing Function in Human Cerebral Hemispheres
摘要 大脑两半球与语言加工的关系长期以来都是心理学界、语言学界乃至医学界最为重要的研究问题之一,更是当今认知神经科学领域的研究热点。近20年来,研究者们采用更为精细和无创伤的研究方法与技术,在词汇语义加工、语篇加工、比喻语言的运用,以及语言的情绪表达和理解等语言理解的不同加工层面进行了更为细致而深入的研究,极大地深化了人们对人类大脑两半球语言功能及其相互作用机制的认识。 The relationship between the human cerebral hemispheres and language processing has been one of the most important research topics in psychology,linguistics,medicine,and especially in cognitive neuroscience.In the past twenty years,with more exact and damage-free methods and techniques,researchers have made more thorough researches on this issue via studies of language comprehension in various levels,such as lexically semantic processing,discourse comprehension,the use of figurative language,motional expression of language and comprehension and the likes.These studies have greatly deepened the understanding of the language function of human hemispheres and their interaction.
出处 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期115-121,共7页 Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 教育部全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金项目(批准号:200208) 全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题(批准号:DBB030244) 霍英东教育基金会高校青年教师研究基金项目(批准号:91103)资助
关键词 大脑两半球 词汇 语言加工 cerebral hemispheres lexicon language processing
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