
高等级公路养护质量综合评价模型 被引量:20

Comprehensive evaluation model for highway maintenance quality
摘要 针对高等级公路养护管理的需求,建立了一种高等级公路养护质量综合评价体系框架,将高等级公路划分为路基、路面、桥梁、涵洞、绿化和沿线设施等6个子系统.基于该种体系框架,就高等级公路养护质量综合评价模型展开讨论.对传统层次分析原理进行了改进,通过聚类分析确定专家个体权重向量的K类划分,引入专家个体权重向量权重系数,进而得出其常权系数值.为满足高等级公路养护质量综合评价对评价指标的均衡性要求,提出变权模型和分组变权模型计算评价模型权重系数值.工程算例表明,新评价模型能更好地反映高等级公路养护管理的需求,体现高等级公路养护质量综合评价对评价指标的均衡性要求. According to the requirements of highway maintenance management, a comprehensive evaluation architecture on highway maintenance quality is presented. A highway is divided into six subsystems, i.e. subgrade, pavement, bridge, culvert, green landscape and traffic service devices. The comprehensive evaluating model on highway maintenance quality is discussed based on this architecture. The ordinary AHP (analytic hierarchy process) method is revised. The individual weight vector of each expert is divided into K sorts by clustering, and the constant weight coefficients are calculated by the weight coefficient of weight vector for each expert. The variable weight model and grouping variable weight model are put forward to calculate each weight coefficient so as to consider the equilibrium of all the index in highway maintenance quality evaluation. An example is illustrated and results show that the new method can better suit the requirement of highway maintenance management and the equilibrium of each index can be properly considered.
出处 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期810-814,共5页 Journal of Southeast University:Natural Science Edition
基金 交通部科技资助项目(200335332210)
关键词 公路养护质量评价 评价指标体系 聚类层次分析 分组变权 highway maintenance quality evaluation evaluation index system clustering AHP grouping variable weight coefficient theory
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