
无源软开关电路拓扑的研究 被引量:2

Study on topology of the passive soft-switching circuit
摘要 提出一个研究无源软开关电路的新技术方法;其特征是对基本的单管隔离型PWMDC/DC变换器进行类比分析,由此直接导出可行的缓冲能量再生复位电路。该新方法能使DC/DCPWM硬开关变换器转变为软开关变换器。以新型Boost无源软开关变换器为例,进行了电路理论分析与中功率样机的实验测试;结果表明此新变换器具有较宽的软开关工作范围、较低的电应力、较小的缓冲元件量值等特点。由此认为,这种研究方法推导简单、物理意义清晰,还能深入地研究无源软开关的新电路拓扑。 A new approach of the passive soft-switching circuits is presented. Its feature is making use of the analogous analysis of single switch isolated type of basic PWM DC/DC converters. So, feasible regenerative reset circuits of snubbing energy are derived directly. DC/DC PWM hard-switching converters can be changed to soft-switching converters by the new approach. Take an example for the new Boost converter, the circuit is analyzed theoretically and a middle power of sample workpiece is tested. All are shown that the new converter has characteristics of wider soft-switching range, lower electrical stress, and smaller magnitude of snubber components. Thus this approach has advantages of simple derivation and clear physical meaning. Moreover, it can make the research on the passive soft-switching circuit deeply.
作者 林周布
出处 《电路与系统学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期76-82,75,共8页 Journal of Circuits and Systems
基金 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(A0210010)
关键词 PWM变换器 无源软开关 电路拓扑 类比分析 PWM converters passive soft-switching circuit topology analogous analysis
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