

Study of the relationship between the extent and severity of angiographic coronary artery disease and type2 diabetes mellitus
摘要 目的探讨冠状动脉造影所显示的病变程度与2型糖尿病及血糖的关系。方法回顾总结920例行冠状动脉造影者的临床资料,其中2型糖尿病患者148例(16.19%),确诊冠心病患者728例(占79.13%),排除冠心病患者192例(占20.87%)。冠状动脉造影病变程度由三方面表示:是否诊断冠心病、冠状动脉病变支数、冠状动脉病变Gensini总积分。采用单因素和多因素分析方法,分析冠状动脉造影病变程度与2型糖尿病的关系。结果2型糖尿病使冠状动脉造影病变程度加重。结论2型糖尿病加重冠状动脉病变程度,增加冠状动脉粥样硬化心脏病的发病。 Objective To evaluate the correlation between type-2 diabetes mellitus and the extent and severity of angiographic coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients underwent coronary angiograpby. Methods A total of 920 consecutive patients underwent coronary angiography were selected according to inclusion criteria. The extent and severity of angiographic CAD was diagnosed by: ① whether or not CAD was diagnosed by angiography; ② the number of diseased vessels;③The CAD Gensini cumulative index. Data were analyged by univariate and multivariate analysis. Results The extent and severity of coronary artery disease in type-2 diabetes mellitus were more serious than those in non-diabetes mellitus. Conclusions The extent and severity of angiographic coronary artery disease is worse with type-2 diabetes mellitus than non-diabetic patients, so it is very important to control type-2 diabetes mellitus in the intervention of CAD.
出处 《北京医学》 CAS 2005年第10期586-588,共3页 Beijing Medical Journal
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