Twenty four cases of selective angiography done after trauma of abdominal solid organs were analyzed, including 11 hepatic, 9 splenic and 4 nephrlc injuries, resulted from motor accident, bullet wound or blunt injuries. The time when the examination was done varied from those shortly after accident to one month posttrauma. Abdominal aortography was first done in each case for making a scout localization before selective or super selective angiography was done. Serial films were taken and arterial, parenchymatous and venous phases visualized.Following abnormalities were seen for reference in diagnosis and differential diagnosis; 23 cases of vascular pattern deformity, 15 extravasation of contrast medium, 9 central hematoma, 8 suhcapsular hematoma, 3 total hematoma, 6 vascular ceasation, 5 arteciovenous fistula, 2 traumatic false aneurysm and 12 peripheral laceration, Technical points, indications, interpretation of selective angiography are discussed and comparisoa made with the conventional x-ray examination or imagiology.
Chinese Journal of Trauma