This paper reports 46 cases of abdominal injuries complicated by multiple trauma, with an average injuried region of 2.4 and an overall mortality 15.21%.Of these, exclusive of abdominal injuries, 11 were of head injury, 18 of chest injury and 37 of bone fracture Traffic accident was the commonest cause of these injuries By clinical experience, the author proposes the diognostic criteria of multiple trauma. The key factor to manegetttent of multiple trauma is to practice resuscitation as promptly as possible. In the early stage of resuscitation, clear airway and adequate pulmonary ventilation must be ensured Double passage for intravenous infusion must be established to supplement the blood volume and to supervise cardiopulmonary function Experience in this article shows that underestimation of the amount of blood loss in the early stage is usttally the main cause of failure in treating multiple trauma Accurate appraisal of the severity of the injuries and the general condition of the wounded can correctaly establish the priorities for definitive therapy.
Chinese Journal of Trauma