Different operations have been adopted in the treatment of fresh patellar fractures, including circumferential suturing with preservation of patella, partial patellar resection, and total patellar resection Opinions vary among the surgeons in the selection of operation. Different operations were undertaken in the operation treatment for 30 cases of fresh patellar fraceures.These patieats were followed up to an average of 31/2 years Evaluatioa of different operations was discussed on the basis of blomechanics. It was found that satisfactory rate of circumferential suturing was 72.2%, those of partial and total patellar resection were 57.1% and 20% respectively.Authors of the article would consider ring suture as the operation of choice in surgical treatmeat of fresh patellar fractures. Causes of anterior-posterlor displacement of articular surface of fractured patellar is also discussed.
Chinese Journal of Trauma