
重庆市某中学学生营养不良和肥胖的相关因素分析(英文) 被引量:3

Correlation-factor analysis on malnutrition and obesity in students of one middle school in Chongqing
摘要 背景:中学生在生长发育过程中可同时具有营养不良和营养过剩两类问题。目的:了解中学生的营养不良和肥胖情况及其相关的影响因素。设计:横断面调查。单位:重庆市卫生局卫生监督所、重庆医科大学营养与食品卫生学教研室及重庆市第八中学。对象:于2004-03/05采取整群抽样法抽取重庆市沙坪坝区某中学15个班级的全日制学生896人,排除患遗传性代谢性疾病、有外伤或其他疾病引起的继发性、病理性营养不良或肥胖者,均知情同意。其中826人填写的问卷内容详实(有效率达92.19%),男生414人,女生412人,年龄13~18岁。方法:对入选学生进行问卷调查,内容包括基本身体情况、疾病状况、父母情况、饮食行为、营养知识、饮食习惯等方面。学生现场自行填写、现场回收。学生营养状况评价采用近期体格检查表中身高、体质量值,以“中国学生7~22岁身高体质量值”作为参考标准。体质量标准是利用同等身高人群体质量的第80百分位数为标准制定,以此体质量标准为100%,低于此标准90%为营养不良,高于此标准120%为肥胖。并对调查数据进行非条件logistic逐步回归分析,探讨中学生营养不良和肥胖的影响因素。主要观察指标:①中学生营养不良和肥胖的患病率。②中学生营养不良和肥胖的影响因素。结果:826人进入结果分析。①营养不良和肥胖的患病率:分别为9.44%和24.21%。营养不良的患病率女生高于男生犤4.84%,14.08%(χ2=15.1036,P<0.05)犦;肥胖的患病率男生高于女生犤30.09%,18.2%(χ2=10.5737,P<0.05)犦。②营养不良和肥胖的影响因素:营养不良的发生与性别、是否偏食挑食、睡眠时间、早餐情况及是否吃动物内脏5个因素显著相关(P<0.05~0.01)。肥胖的发生与性别、父亲的体质量指数、进食速度、是否吃宵夜、是否偏食挑食等5个因素显著相关(P<0.05~0.01)。结论:调查发现中学生群体营养不良和肥胖的患病率较高,且均与性别因素和是否偏食挑食密切相关。纠正中学生的营养不良和肥胖,要给予正确的营养知识,帮助他们合理安排饮食,建立良好的生活模式。 BACKGROUND: Malnutrition and overnutrition are the two problems during growth and development of high-school students.OBJECTIVE: To understand the situation and relevant factors of malnutrition and overnutrition of high-school students.DESIGN: Transverse investigation was designed.SETTING: Health Supervision Institute of Chongqing Health Bureau; Department of Nutrition & Food Hygiene, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences; the Eighth Middle School of ChongqingPARTICIPANTS: Totally 896 students in 15 classes were collected from one full-time middle school in Shapingba district in Chongqing by cluster sampling method from March to May 2004. The students were excluded if they suffered from hereditary metabolic disease and secondary pathological malnutrition or obesity due to trauma or other diseases. All of participants were in the known in the investigation. Of those, 826 students filled up the questionnaire in detail (the effective rate was 92.19%), in which, 414 students were male and 412 students female, aged varied from 13 to 18 years.METHODS: The students chose were in the investigation with questionnaire and the contents of it included basic physical situation, state of sickness, situation of parents, dietary behavior, nutritional knowledge, dietary habits, etc. The students filled up the questionnaire by them own and handed over on the spot. The evaluation of student nutrition state adopted the heights and body masses in recent physical examination scale, in reference to the criteria in “height and body mass of Chinese students aged from 7 to 22 years”. The standard body mass was 80% of body masses of people with same height, based on which, the standard body mass was 100%, that less than the standard by 90% was taken as malnutrition and more than it by 120% was taken as obesity. Nononditional logistic stepwise regression was used to analyze the data so as to probe into the factors of malnutrition and obesity in middle-school students.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: [1] Morbidity of malnutrition and obesity in middle-school students. [2] Factors of malnutrition and obesity in middle-school students.RESULTS: Totally 826 students entered result analysis. [1] Morbidity of malnutrition and obesity: it was 9.44% and 24.21% respectively, in which,the morbidity of malnutrition.for female was higher than male [4.84%,14.08% (x^2=15.1036, P 〈 0.05)] and the morbidity of obesity in male was higher than female [30.09%, 18.2% (x^2=10.5737, P 〈 0.05)]. [2] Factors of malnutrition and obesity: significant correlation was present between malnutrition and 5 factors, named sex, indulgence in or being choosy food,sleeping time, breakfast and animal internal organs (P 〈 0.05-0.01). Significant correlation was present between obesity and 5 factors, named sex,body mass index of father, eating velocity, midnight snack and indulgence in or being choosy food (P 〈 0.05-0.01).CONCLUSION: It is discovered in the investigation that the morbidity of malnutrition and obesity in middle-school students are very high and that is all closely related to sex and indulgence in or being choosy food. In order to correct malnutrition and obesity in middle-school students, it is necessary to provide correct nutritional knowledge and help them arranging diet rationally and establishing healthy life pattern.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第31期211-213,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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