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2Rede des SPD - Parteivorsitzenden Franz Mtintefering auf dem 3. Programmforum der SPD " Demokratie. Teilhabe,Zukunftschancen, Gerechtigkeit" am Mittwoch, dem 13. April2005, Willy - Brandt - Haus, Berlin.
3Vertrauen in Deutschland, Das Wahlmanifest der SPD,www. kampagne, spd. de.
4Rot ist besser ! Daten und Fakten, www. kampagne, spd.de.
5Romain Duval and Jiirgen Elmeskov, The Effects of EMU on Structural Reforms in Labour and Product Markets, Paper for the Conference on "What Effects is EMU Having on the Euro Area and its Member Countries?", the European Central Bank,Frankfurt, June 16-17, :2005.
6Germany-2005 Article IV Consultation Concluding Statement of the Mission, International Monetary Fund, June 28,2005.
7Stefan Theil, "What's Going Right", in Newsweek 6./13. June 2005.
8Perspektiven Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland,American Chamber on Commerce in Germany, Marz 2005.
9"Leaders: A View from Another Planet; Germany's Ecconomy", The Economist, Feb. 19, 2005, vol. 374, p.12.
10Second Implementation Report on The 2003-2005 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines, EU-Kommission, Jan. 2005.