目的探讨对外伤性白内障合并晶状体半脱位进行囊袋张力环和人工晶状体植入联合玻璃体切除术、经巩膜睫状体光凝及内窥镜下睫状突光凝术、小梁切除术等的可行性.方法对8例(8眼)外伤性白内障合并晶状体半脱位,行超声乳化吸出、囊袋张力环囊袋内植入、折叠式人工晶状体植入,联合玻璃体切除术、经巩膜睫状体二极管激光光凝及内窥镜下睫状突二极管激光光凝术、非穿通小梁切除术、虹膜根部离断复位术.结果术后对8例随访1~6月,囊袋张力环和人工晶状体位置正,患者视力有不同程度的提高,在0.1~0.8之间,眼压均在17 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)以下.结论囊袋张力环是一种安全有效的新型辅助工具,它有提高手术安全性、防止人工晶状体偏位及减少并发症的优点,同时它可以联合其它手术一次治疗外伤性白内障晶状体半脱位、玻璃体浑浊、继发性青光眼及虹膜根部断离者.
Objective To investigate the feasibility and safety of a new treatment for patients suffered with traumatic cataract combined with subluxated lens, which is the surgery of capsular tension ring and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation combined with vitrectomy, diode laser or under endoscopy photocoagulation to ciliary body, non-penetrating trabeculectomy, and so on. Methods Capsular tension ring was implanted in 8 cases (8 eyes) of subluxated lens during phacoemulsification, followed with IOL implantation, combined with vitrectomy, diode laser or under endocopy photocoagulation to ciliary body, non-penetrating trabeculectomy, and so on. Results 1-6 months after surgery, the capsular tension ring and IOL were on the fight position in all the cases, and the visual acuity was increased to 0.1-0.8, intraocular pressure was under 2.3 kPa. Conclusion Capsular tension ring is a safe and effective new assisted instrument in treating traumatic cataract combined with subluxated lens, as well as combined with vitreous opacity, secondary glaucoma, and iridavulsion.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries
capsular tension ring
eye trauma