Economic Perspectives
1Aggarwal, R., C. Inclan & R. Leal (1999), Volatility in emerging stock markets, Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis 34 (1):33 - 55.
2Andersen, T. G., T. Bollerslev, F.X. Diebold & P. Labys (2002), Modeling and forecasting realized volatility, working paper, North Western University, Duke University & University of Pennsylvania.
3Benzoni, L. (2001), Pricing options under stochastic volatility: An empirical investigation,Working paper, Carlson School of Management, Minneapolis.
4Blair, B., S. - H. Poon& S.J.Taylor (2001), Forecasting S & P 100 volatility: The incremental information content of implied volatilities and high frequency index returns, Journal of Econometrics 105: 5 - 26.
5Christoffersen, P.F. & F. X. Diebold (2000), How relevant is volatility forecasting for risk management? Review of Economics & Statistics 82(1) :12 - 22.
6Diebold, F.X. & A. Inoue (2001), long memory and regime switching, Journal of Econometrics 105( 1): 131- 159.
7Engle, R.F. & J. R. Russell (1998), Autoregressive conditional duration: A new model for irregularly spaced transaction data, Econometrica 66 (5) : 1127 - 1162.
8Friedman, M. & L. Harris (1998), A maximum likelihood approach for non Gaussian stochastic volatility models, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 16.284- 291.
9Granger, C.W.R. (1999), Empirical Modeling in Economics: Specification and Evaluation. Cambridge University Press.
10Harvey, A.C. (1998), Long memory in stochastic volatility, Chapter 12,307- 320, in J. Knight & S. Satchell (ed.), Forecasting Volatility in the Financial Markets, Butterworth.
1李亚静,朱宏泉,彭育威.基于GARCH模型族的中国股市波动性预测[J].数学的实践与认识,2003,33(11):65-71. 被引量:47
2梁毅刚.中国股市的波动性研究——基于CARR模型的分析[J].甘肃金融,2010(12):8-11. 被引量:1
3郑周.基于不同分布假设GARCH模型对上证指数波动性预测能力的比较研究[J].价值工程,2004,23(3):70-72. 被引量:6
6丁忠明,夏万军.中国股市波动的CARR模型分析[J].商业经济与管理,2005(12):41-45. 被引量:8
7鲁万波.基于非参数GARCH模型的中国股市波动性预测[J].数理统计与管理,2006,25(4):455-461. 被引量:20
8陈德华,石建民.我国证券市场风险波动性预测:基于沪深300指数的比较研究[J].生产力研究,2009(4):36-38. 被引量:4
9曹晓华,潘杰.不完全金融市场中基于最优对冲的衍生资产定价[J].电子科技大学学报,2008,37(1):154-156. 被引量:1