外国大学在日本开设分校的历史可以追溯到上世纪80年代。在WTO背景下,这一 类型的学校被归为“商业存在”形式的服务贸易。教育主权的敏感性使外国分校在日本的法律 地位和学历效力一直得不到认可,引起了美国的极大不满。本文将围绕这一矛盾阐述外国大学 在日本开设分校的运营状况、日本政府如何应对美方提出进一步开放高等教育市场的要求,以 及日本经验对我国开展高等教育服务贸易活动的启示。
The history of off-shore campuses of foreign higher education institutes in Japan can be traced back to 1980s. In the context of GATS, this kind of campuses appears to be “Commercial Presence” in educational service. The Japanese Government poses great obstacles in approval of its legitimacy in Japanese Higher Education System, which is against the interests of the U.S. Government. The essay focuses on how foreign campuses operate in Japan, how Japanese Government argues with its U.S. counterpart and what we can learn from Japan while con- ducting our service trade in higher education.
International and Comparative Education