本文用Auger电子能谱技术分别对金刚石单晶生长界面的金属膜表面及附近碳原子的Auger谱精细结构、金刚石单晶附近及其表面的Auger谱精细结构进行了分析。Auger谱分析表明,金刚石晶体外的碳的Auger谱与石墨的类似,金刚石单晶上的碳的Auger谱与石墨的主跃迁峰能量相差约3.7 eV,与金刚石单晶Auger谱形相同,介于两者之间的Auger谱反映出碳原子的电子杂化态介于石墨与金刚石单晶之间。结果表明高温高压条件下石墨中碳原子经过“金属催化剂层”才能将碳原子的电子构形从SP2π态改变成SP3态,碳原子从而以金刚石四面体结构沉积到金刚石表面,金刚石晶格结构的形成是在金刚石表面层完成的。
In this paper, Auger Electron Spectrum(AES) is used to observe diamond crystal growth interface, and to analyze the fine AES structure of carbon atom of metal film surface and its near area, as well as the fine AES structure of diamond crystal and its near area. The results showed that fine AES of carbon atom of diamond ' s near area is similar to that of the graphite' s . The main peak of fine AES of carbon atom on diamond surface is 3.7eV lower than that of graphite surface, and looks like diamond' s fine AES. It is obvious that the two electronic structures are different. Additionally, there was new AES that may be a transition form of hybridism of carbon atom. It is concluded that carbon atom of graphite changes from sp^2π to sp^3 through “ metal catalyst layer” , and deposits on the surface of diamond.
Diamond & Abrasives Engineering