Objective To provide anatomical basis for repairing clinically the superficial palmar arch. Methods The types, shape, symmetry and branches of the superficial palmar arch were observed anatomically on 60 cases of adult hand specimens. Results There were 4 types of the superficial palmar arch. They were ulnar arterial type, radio-ulnar arterial type, and median-ulnar arterial type, radi-medi-ulnar arterial type; majority were radio-ulnar arterial type and ulnar arterial type. There were 5 shapes of superficial palmar arch, including arc, arch,incompletion form, saddle form and hi-arch; the most frequently seen were arc and arch; incompletion form, saddle and bi-arch were rare. Symmetries were most frequently seen, taken up 55.6 per cent; There were 3-6 branches of the superficial palmar arch, 48 eases gave off ulnar palmar artery of quinary finger, taken up 80.0 per cent; 11 eases shared ulnar palmar artery of quinary finger and the third common palmar digital artery,taken up 18.3 per cent; 28 cases gave off 3 common palmar digital arteries, 46.7 per cent; 27 cases 4 common palmar digital arteries, 45.0 per cent. Conclusion When the operations of vessel repair and reconstruction of severed palm are performed, we should pay attention to the types, shape, symmetry and branches of the superficial palmar arch.
Journal of Harbin Medical University
superficial palmar arch
applied anatomy
hand injuries