并杂圆茄1号是以自交系Z98-01为母本,K97-01为父本配制而成的一代杂种.中早熟,果实膨大速度快,开花到采收仅需16 d(天),果实近圆形,果皮紫黑发亮,果肉细嫩,品质佳.一般每667 m2产量4 800~5 600kg,对黄萎病、褐纹病、绵疫病的抗性强于对照短把黑.适宜露地及保护地栽培.
Bingzayuanqie No. 1 is a new eggplant F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred lines Z98 -01 and K97 - 01. It takes only 16 days from blooming to harvesting, and has long harvest period. The fruit is round shaped, with purple black and glossy skin and good quality. The yield is 72 -84 t· hm^-2. It has stronger resistance to verticillium wilt, Phomopsis rot, and Phytophthora rot than Duanbahei. It is suitable for both open field and protected field cultivation.
China Vegetables