吉杂8号是以9101-2410为母本,以7313-1213为父本配制而成的华南型黄瓜一代杂种.植株生长势强,以主蔓结瓜为主,熟性较早,节成性好,瓜长18~20 cm,横径4~5 cm,单瓜质量180 g左右,对霜霉病、枯萎病、炭疽病和角斑病的抗性强于对照吉杂2号.平均产量3 000kg·(667 m2)-1以上.适宜东北地区栽培.
Jiza No. 8 is a new Huanan type cucumber F, hybrid developed by crossing 9101 -2410 with 7313 - 1213. It is early maturity, and grows vigorously. Average fruit is about 18 -20 cm in length and 4 -5 cm in diameter. Average fruit weight is about 180 g. Its yield is over 45 t· hm^-2. It has stronger resistance to downy mildew, Fusarium wilt, anthracnose and augular leaf spot than Jiza No. 2, and is suitable to be cultivated in the northeast of China.
China Vegetables