金红叶1号洋葱为黄皮中熟类型一代杂种.亲本016A是由日本优质黄皮洋葱红叶3号中的雄性不育株和可育株连续多代测交、回交选育而成;另一亲本05-17B是从富永中生的优良单株进行诱变处理,再经过多代系统选育而成.金红叶1号鳞茎横径8~12 cm,纵径7~10 cm,紧实丰圆;单球质量400~450 g,外皮坚韧、红铜色;高抗霜霉病、灰霉病,抗紫斑病;平均每667 m2产量8 000 kg左右,适合在北纬30°~40°地区种植.
Jinhongye No. 1 is a new onion F1 hybrid developed by crossing two self-incompatible lines Hongye No. 3 and Fuyongzhongsheng. It is medium maturity. The bulb is round and firm, red-brown in color. Average head weight is 400 -450 g. It is high resistant to downy mildew and grey mould, resistant to purple stain. Its yield is about 120 t · hm^-2. It is suitable to be cultivated between north latitude 32° -40°.
China Vegetables