正甜38是由3个超甜玉米自交系A6、B5和C4于2000年秋育成的超甜玉米三交种,杂交模式为(A6×B5)×C4.A6是利用普通玉米与优质甜玉米自交系杂交后,经过多代自交筛选出的遗传性状稳定,并具有抗病、抗倒伏等优良性状的自交系;B5、C4是利用甜玉米材料经过多代自交选育出的优质自交系.果穗长21 cm左右,粗5.0 cm左右,可溶性糖含量16.92%~18.31%,皮薄,品质优,抗病性和抗倒伏性与对照穗甜1号相当.广东春播生育期85 d(天)左右,秋播75 d(天)左右.平均单苞质量350 g,每667 m2产量900kg左右.适宜在我国玉米主栽地区栽培.
Zhengtian 38 is a new super sweet corn triple hybrid developed by crossing inbred lines A6, B5 and C4. The crossing model is ( A6 × B5 ) × C4. It has middle-early maturity, and has similar disease-resistance and lodging-resistance to Suitian No, 1. It is 350 g in weight, 21 cm in length, 5 cm in diameter. The yield is 13.5 t· hm^-2. It is suitable for cultivation in the main corn areas of China.
China Vegetables