

Research of Sampling Measurement System for IP Network Traffic Based on Mask Matching
摘要 提出了基于掩码匹配抽样测量系统的体系结构,把整个系统分为报文采集、报文抽样、信息保存三层来设计并用java实现。重点分析了采用不同的暂存方式时报文抽样层及信息保存层程序的执行时间,比较了三种不同的暂存方式抽样最大延时。 This paper provides the architecture of the sampling measurement system based on the mask matching for the purpose to design and achieve the sampling measurement system scientially.This architecture divides the system into three levels which are achieved by java including message collecting,sampling,saving.This paper mainly analyzes execution time of program about the message sampling and saving level when it adopts different temporary-memory ways,and compares the longest delayed time by three different temporary-memory ways.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第30期143-145,148,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 掩码匹配 网络流量 抽样测量 aask matching,network traffic,Sampling Measurement
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