

Control of Virtual Production Systems Based on RW Supervisory Control Theory
摘要 虚拟生产系统(VPSs)是一种为应对当今易变的和不确定的制造环境而提出的新型生产资源结构模式.为了实现其虚拟动态性、自适应性和全局性,应用RW监控理论并在UMDES-L IB的辅助下,对VPSs进行离散事件动态系统建模,以解决生产过程中最基本的冲突问题为目标,建立自治与协调规则,并相应地构建了自治与协调监控器,从而建立起基于RW监控理论且具有自治与协调控制机制的VPSs闭环监控框架.该闭环监控框架兼顾了局部自治和全局协调,并且具有很好的可重构性、可扩展性和可适应性,有助于VPSs增加系统柔性和提高响应速度. Virtual production systems (VPSs) is a novel paradigm for production resources structure, which is proposed to cope with today's changeful and uncertain manufacturing environment. In order to realize virtual dynamics, self-adaptability and holistic characteristics, a discrete event dynamic system (DEDS) model for VPSs was established with RW supervisory control theory and the aid of UMDES-LIB. For the purpose of avoiding the conflict that is one of the basic problems in the process of automatic manufacturing, autonomous and coordination rules were offered, and autonomous and coordination supervisory controllers were built correspondingly. As a result, the framework for closed loop supervisory control of VPSs which is based on RW theory and has autonomous and coordination mechanisms was established. This framework considers both local autonomy and global coordination, and possesses well reconfigurability, extensibility and adaptability, which contributes to VPSs to increase the system flexibility and speed up the response.
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期1693-1699,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金(70271036) 安徽省自然科学基金(01042307) 国防科技重点实验室基金项目(51458050203JW0306)
关键词 虚拟生产系统 RW监控理论 自治与协调 离散事件动态系统 有限自动机 冲突问题 virtual production systems (VPSs) RW supervisory control theory autonomy and coordination discrete event dynamic system(DEDS) finite-state machines conflict
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