Rising in the middle section of the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains, Manas River is the largest continental river here. According to the statistical data collected by Hongshanzui Hydrometric Station, its annual runoff volume is 1.26 billlon m3, and over 70% of which distributes in summer (Junc to August) because the main runoff comes from the ice-snow melting in high-mountain zones and the precipiation in midmountain zones. The discharge in other seasons is a little. Streamflow is one of the main power conditions for loading silt. The analysis results show that the main silt producing areas are the main areas of runoff formation based on the observed data a1ong Manas River. The annual silt discharge of suspended load in Qingshuiliezi River, a tributary of Manas River, and in the section of the main stream upper Meiyao occupies over 87% of the total annual silt discharge upper Hongshanzui. Moreover, the annual silt-producing ability (expressed by modulus of silt discharge) increases from upper reaches to lower reaches. There are good relations among the silt discharge of bed load, si1t discharge of suspended load and streamflow according to the analysis based on the incontinued 7-year observed data of bed load at Hongshanzui Hydrometlic Station, and there is also a good relation between the silt discharge of bed load and average velocity at the hydrologic sections. These provide an ideal reference for the rivers without the data of silt discharge of bed load. If simplifled calculation is needed, 8% of annual silt discharge of suspended load can be used as the reference for annual value of silt discharge of bed load in the drainage plan and design of similar basins.
Arid Land Geography