

Computer management system of melting procedure in casting shop
摘要 分析了铸造车间熔化工部的状况,建立了熔化工部微机管理系统,该系统可对熔化工部的各工序运行情况进行统计、分析和管理,从而为调整提高铸件质量和降低成本提供可靠依据. The melting operation mode in casting shop is analysed and the computer managment system for melting process in established.The system can implement the statistics,analysis,and management of melting process at different operation stages,proving reliablebasis for improving the quality of casting and reducing the cost of production
作者 路阳
出处 《甘肃工业大学学报》 1996年第3期52-55,共4页 Journal of Gansu University of Technology
关键词 铸造车间 熔化工部 微机 管理 统计 casting shop melting procedure microcomputer management statistics
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