
60年前的战争记忆:二战对当今欧美战争观的塑造 被引量:2

The Memory of the War 60 Years Ago: The Influence of World War II on the Contemporary Concept of War in the United States and Europe
摘要 战争研究中的重要内容是战争观,战争观受多种因素的复杂影响,其中战争经历具有重大影响。在第二次世界大战中,欧洲(西欧)和美国战争经历的差异塑造了战后不同的欧美战争观。正是在这种战争观的指导下,在冷战后的国际关系中二者的对外行为差别很大。从这种分析中得出的结论是,在国际关系研究中不能忽视一个民族的历史观和战争观。 The concept of war is a key part of war studies, and it can be influenced by many factors. Therefore, in providing an analysis we should first identify the factors affecting the concept of war. In this paper, the author argues that the experience of war is the core element affecting the concept of war. The author then analyzes different war experiences in Western Europe and the United States, as well as their implications in shaping the concept of war. The author shows that, guided by different concepts of war, the United States and the European Community act differently in international relations. Finally, the author concludes that we should not ignore a nation’s historical view and concept of war in IR studies.
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第9期28-34,共7页 World Economics and Politics
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  • 2Martin Wight, International Theory: The Three Traditions, Leicesterand London: Leicester University Press, 1991, p. 206.
  • 3Raymond Aron, Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations, New York: Doubleday & Company, INC. , 1966.
  • 4Martin Wight, International Theory: The Three Traditions, p. 206.
  • 5赫德利·布尔.《无政府社会:世界政治秩序研究》[M].,.第149页.
  • 6[美]汉斯·摩根索著 卢明华译.《国际纵横策论—争强权,求和平》[M].上海:上海译文出版社,1995年版.第488页.
  • 7Joe D. Hagan, " Domestic Political System and War Proneness,"Mershon International Studies Review, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1994, pp. 183-207.
  • 8Bradley A. Thayer, Darwin and International Relations : On the Evolutionary Origins of War and Ethnic Conflict, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 2004.
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  • 10埃德加·莫兰 康征 齐小曼译.《反思欧洲》[M].北京:三联书店,2005年.第100页.


  • 1《L' Europe se dechire - c' est plutot douloureux mais c' est completement necessaire》,article paru dans le site internet De Defensa, www. defensa, org, le 10 fevrier 2004.
  • 2Voir 《Que faire avec l' hyperpuissance? Entretien avec Hubert Vedrine》, in Le Debat,Gallimard, N°125, mai-aoflt 2003, p. 4.
  • 3Graham E. Fuller, 《Vieille Europe ou vieille Amerique?》, article paru dans l' edition du Tribune Media Services International du 14 fevrier 2003, traduction francais assuree par Francoise Cartano.
  • 4Daniel VERNET,《Analyse imperialisme postmodeme》, in Le Monde, le 24 avril 2003.
  • 5Robert Cooper, "The pest-modern state", in The Observer, April 7, 2002.
  • 6Cecile Barbier, 《Les futurs chantiers de la Convention europeenne》, in Demain l' Europe, septembre 2002, N° 9.
  • 7Daniel VERNET, 《Neo colonialisme: une appr6ciation des arguments de Robert Cooper》,in De Defensa, article paru du 16 avril 2002, http ://www. dedefensa. org.
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  • 10Robert Kagan, "Power and Weakness", Policy Review, No. 113, June - July 2002.












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