
三进制互补集及其在UWB中的应用 被引量:1

Ternary complementary sets and its application in UWB
摘要 针对DS-UWB在室内高速短距离通信上的诸多优势,文章介绍了基于采用一组正交脉冲UWB信号的三进制互补集。文章首先建立了多用户通信传输的系统模型,分析了三进制互补集及其递归构造方法,进而提出了一种利用Rake接收的三进制互补集多用户通信性能评估结构。由于三进制互补集有良好的非周期自相关和互相关函数,因此减轻了多用户和多径干扰。仿真结果表明,在SV/IEEE802.15.3a信道模型下三进制互补集相对于其它随机序列而言具有更好的性能。 Ternary complementary set based UWB signaling employing a set of orthogonal chip pulses was proposed for DS-UWB. It had many advantages in indoor high-speed short range communications. First the system model of multiple access communications was founded, then ternary complementary set and its recursive construction method were analyzed, and then the performance evaluation structure of multiple access communications based the ternary complementary sets by use of the Rake receiver was put forward. Ternary complementary sets assigned to two users had good aperiodic autocorrelation functions. Hence, the multipath interference as well as multiple access interference were mitigated. Simulation results show that ternary MO complementary sets have better performances compared with other random sequences in the SV/IEEE 802.15.3a channel model.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期128-132,共5页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60432040)
关键词 UWB 三进制互补集 非周期自相关函数 正交 多径 UWB ternary complementary set aperiodic autocorrelation orthogonal multipath
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