Mind emancipation and theoretical innovation are both the forerunners of social development and the spiritual power of pushing a soeiety forward . In the new historical period, three large influential thoughts emancipation have been undertaken in our country : the debating over the criterion of truth , Deng Xiaoping' s "south tour speech" and the important thought of "three representatives" ,which are very important to pushing our seeiety forward . They have, in various spheres in our country, brought about great changes in economy, polities and people' s life. Mind emancipation is the eternal theme of social development. China has now entered a new stage of development,facing a new situation and important tasks,which calls for us,under the guidance of the important thoughts of "Three representatives" ,to stiek to the ideologieal line of emancipating the mind , seeking truth from facts , keeping pace with the times ,so as to create a new situation of seeialism with Chinese characteristics.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi
the new period
mind emancipation
social development