目的:探讨经尿道等离子体双极电切术的临床应用.方法:经尿道等离子双极电切行前列腺切除(PKRP)39例,前列腺28~80 g,平均48 g;膀胱肿瘤切除(PKRBT)8例,肿瘤分级G15例,G23例.术后随访1~8个月.结果:PKRP手术时间30~110 min,切除前列腺组织重量20~40 g,平均31.5 g.有2例需输血,无电切综合征发生.术后最大尿流率(Qmax)由术前的平均5 mL*s-1上升至平均15 mL*s-1;国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)明显下降,PKRBT手术时间5~30 min,2例轻度发生闭孔神经反射,随访1~8个月无复发.结论:等离子体双极电切行PKRP和PKRBT安全、有效.
Objective: To assess the application of transurethral resection with bipolar electrosection technique. Methods: 39 patients with symptomatic BPH were treated by PKRP. 8 patients with superficial transitional cell carcinoma were treated by PKRBT. All patients were followed up for 1 -8 months postoperatively. Results: For PKRP, the duration of the procedure was 30 to 110 min. No case except two patients need blood transfusion during the operation. No transurethral resection syndrom occurred. The peak flow rate increased from 5 mL·s^-1 to 15 mL·s^-1. The IPSS decreased respectively. For PKRBT, the duration of the procedure was 5 to 30 min. The adductor reflex was found in 2 cases, Conclusion: Transurethral bipolar electrosection of hyperplasic prostate and bladder tumor is effective and safe.
Journal of Modern Clinical Medicine
bipolar electrosection
prostatic hyperplasia
bladder neoplasm