利用特殊植物纤维KW S作为泥浆处理剂的新型充气钻井液,不仅具有常规充气钻井液低密度、排粉能力强、节约用水等优点,还可以不受钠、钙离子的影响,提高钻井泡沫稳定性和钻井液抗盐能力。通过采用此种新型充气钻井液,利用其低密度特性、特殊泥饼、泡沫的群体封堵作用和泡沫的疏水屏蔽作用,成功解决了裂隙地层的漏失问题,恢复了钻探生产。在我国西部干旱缺水漏失地区具有良好的应用前景。
New aerated foam drilling fluid, using a special plant fiber named KWS as fluid material, not only has the characteristics of low density, high ability of removing cuttings and lower use of water, but also has the perforation of rejecting of the Na^+'s and Ca^2+'s affection. By application of this drilling fluid, drilling engineers dealt with the leakage problems successfully in Xinjiang and it has a bloom application in west part of China where is short of water.
Exploration Engineering:Rock & Soil Drilling and Tunneling