Silica was implanted sequentially with Ag ions at 200 keV to dose of 5 × 10^16 ions/cm^2 and Cu ions at 110keV to dose of 1.5× 10^17 ions/cm^2 respectively. According to the TRIM calculation, the energy of implantation for each ion was chosen to obtain similar ion distribution with considering the surface sputtering effect. Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) of the sample shows the existence of Ag and Cu elements in the sample. The optical absorption spectra show two surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peaks with position of 407 and 569nm, corresponding to the standard SPR peaks of Ag and Cu. The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) of the sample displays two sets of diffraction rings for Ag and Cu. It is interest to be observed by the transmission electron microscope bright-field (TEM-BF) images that most of nanoparticles have brighter center features. The BF images of the same area in the sample,which is obtained by tilting the sample from -40-40 degrees, show that these brighter center features do not change. This indicates that the formation of nanocavitycontained Ag and Cu nanoparticles, not the core-shell nanoparticles as other workers believed. The scanning transmission electron microscopy high-angle annular dark field (STEM-HAADF) image also confirms this standpoint. The nanocavities can be attributed to the aggregation of irradiation-induced vacancies.
Journal of Functional Materials