对四川引种麻竹笋用林产笋的研究表明:四川盆地引种麻竹笋用林的鲜笋产量在造林第4年可达21.3 t.hm-2.a-1。麻竹不同竹丛之间产笋数量和鲜笋产量均达极显著差异水平。影响麻竹单体鲜笋重量(W)的因素依次为笋壁厚度(Dp)、高(H)、基径(D)和高径比(PHD),且麻竹单体鲜笋重量可用回归式W=-1.29+0.685Dp+0.0359H-0.07PHD描述,复相关系数r=0.718,达极显著相关水平。麻竹笋用林栽培技术要点有:种苗和造林地选择、科学施肥、合理采笋及留养母竹、扒土晒目等。
A research on the fresh shoot yield of introduced Dendrocalamus latiflorus forest in Sichuan showed that the fresh shoot yield of Dendrocalamus Latiflorus forest could anaually to 21.3 t·hm-2·a-1 at the fourth year after plantation;The amount and output of fresh shoots varied greatly among different bamboo groves. The factors influencing the weight of an individual fresh shoot were thickness (Die) of shoot skin, the height(H), the diameter at ground level(D) and the ratio of diameter to height (PHD). The weight of an individual fresh shoot of Dendrocalamus latiflorus could be expressed in the following regression equation: W = - 1.29 + 0. 685Dp + 0.0359H - 0.07PHD, multiple correlation coefficient ‘r' = 0. 781, reaching a remarked level. The principal technical points for the cultivation of fresh shoot-producing forest of Dendrocalamus latiflorus are: selection of seedlings and planting sites, scientific fertilization, reasonable shoot harvesting and parent bamboo reserving, and digging out the earth around the sprouting shoots to let them bathe in the sun for a fixed period.
Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology
Dendrocalamus latiflorus, Shoot-producing forest, Fresh shoot yield, Cultivation techniques