

Notch Signaling of Lymphocyte Development
摘要 Notch信号通路为一广泛应用且高度保守的信号转导途径,决定多能祖细胞的分化方向,其中在共同淋巴祖细胞向T淋巴细胞或B淋巴细胞分化选择中具有决定性作用.Notch信号通路参与淋巴细胞的发育过程,促进Tαβ细胞的形成、诱导处女型T细胞变为调节型T细胞、阻止CD4+T细胞向Th1类型分化,以及增加外周免疫器官边缘区B细胞的数量.在分析Notch蛋白结构的基础上,综合最新进展,系统阐明了Notch信号通路的组成、作用机制、参与的淋巴细胞发育过程以及所起的作用. The Notch pathway is a wildly utilized, evolutionarily conserved regulatory signaling pathway that plays a central role in the fate decisions of multipotent precursors including common lymphoid precursors, which will undergo either T or B cell differentiation. Notch signaling participates in the process of lymphocyte development. It can promote formation of TαB cells, induce development of regulatory T cells from naive T cells,and block CD4^+ T cell to differentiate to Thl cell. It can increase the numbers of MZB cells. On the basis of structure of Notch and the new progress on Notch, the role of Notch signaling in the process of lymphocyte development and its molecular mechanisms have been reviewed.
出处 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期917-923,共7页 Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics
基金 中国科学院引进海外杰出人才\百人计划资助项目(038)~~
关键词 NOTCH 信号通路 淋巴细胞 发育 Notch, signaling, lymphocyte, development
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