针对开发新一代嵌入式数字视频录像机,采用AU1500作为嵌入式CPU和Monta Vista2.0Linux作为操作系统,系统的软件设计结构采用了多线程编程技术,使系统运行更稳定,软件结构简明,性能提升,可扩展性更好。应用结果表明在基于嵌入式Linux和以MPU为核心的嵌入式系统中选择多线程编程技术来解决大型并发多任务系统具有实用性和普遍适用性。
This paper introduces a new type of embedded digital video recorder based on the AU1500 as CPU and MontaVista2. 0 Linux as Operating System, adopts the Multithread to the design of system software structure, and the application shows that the system runs stably and quickly, the expansibility of this system is very easy,and the structure is clear. The result indicated that the application of Multithread on multitask system based on embedded system with embedded Linux and MPU is very practical and universally applicable.
Microcomputer Applications