
在体成形给药系统 被引量:1

The Development of In-situ Forming Drug Delivery Systems
摘要 综述热塑胶浆、在体交联、在体聚合物沉淀和在体固化有机凝胶4种在体成形给药系统的制备原理。蛋白质类药物局部注射埋植给药已成为研究热点,在体成形技术已广泛用于医药学领域,如注射埋植给药、眼部植入给药、口服给药和组织修复等。简介该类给药制剂的流变学和体内外评价方法。 In this article, we summarized four principles to prepare in-situ forming delivery systems: thermoplastic pastes, in-situ crosslinked systems, in-situ polymer precipitation, and in-situ solidifying organogels. In-situ forming techniques have been widely used in pharmaceutical and some medical fields, such as injectable implant delivery, ophthalmic drug delivery, oral administration and tissue engineering. Rheological character and the method to evaluate these systems in vitro or in vivo were also introduced in this review.
出处 《药学进展》 CAS 2005年第10期458-464,共7页 Progress in Pharmaceutical Sciences
关键词 在体成形给药系统 热塑胶浆 在体交联系统 在体聚合物沉淀 在体固化有机凝胶 In-situ forming delivery system Thermoplastic pastes In-situ crosslinked systems In-situ polymer precipitation In-situ solidifying organogels
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