
63例肺腺鳞癌的临床与病理特点 被引量:1

Clinicopathologic Characteristics in 63 Cases with Lung Adenosquamous Carcinoma
摘要 [目的]总结探讨肺腺鳞癌的临床与病理特点。[方法]回顾性分析1994年1月 ̄2004年12月手术治疗的63例肺腺鳞癌临床病理资料。[结果]63例肺腺鳞癌术前病理确诊率19.0%(12/63)。12例行术前新辅助化疗;施行肺叶切除47例,全肺切除16例;术后TNM分期:Ⅰ期11例,Ⅱ期14例,Ⅲ期37例,Ⅳ期1例。全组患者有淋巴结转移49例,转移率77.8%。[结论]肺腺鳞癌恶性程度较高,预后差,应采取以手术为主的多学科综合治疗。 [Purpose ] To investigate the clinicopathologic characteristics of lung adenosquamous carcinoma. [Methods] The clinical and pathological records of 63 cases with lung adenosquamous carcinoma from Jan. 1994 to Dec.2004 were reviewed retrospectively. [Results] Of 63 cases with lung adenosquamous carcinoma, 19.0%(12/63) was pathology proved pre-operation, 47 cases underwent pulmonary lobectomy, 16 cases underwent total pneumonectomy and 12 cases received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Postoperative TNM staging was as following : stage Ⅰ , 11 cases; stage Ⅱ,14; stage Ⅲ, 37; stage Ⅳ , 1. Forty-nine cases(77.8%) had lymph nodes metastasis. [Conclusion] Lung adenosquamous carcinoma is an aggressive tumor with poor prognosis. The treatment should take priority of surgery with multi-modality therapy adjuvant.
机构地区 解放军第
出处 《中国肿瘤》 CAS 2005年第10期678-679,共2页 China Cancer
关键词 肺肿瘤 腺鳞癌 临床病理 lung neoplasms adenosquamous carcinoma clinicopathology
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