
斑马鱼及其在环境毒理学中的应用 被引量:18

Zebrafish and its Application in Environmental Toxicology
摘要 斑马鱼是一种热带淡水鱼,饲养简单,管理方便,易于获取。斑马鱼常年产卵,世代周期短,一般3-4个月就能达到性成熟。其胚胎透明,并且在体外发育,易于观察。长期以来斑马鱼一直被广泛地运用于发育生物学和毒理学的研究中。近年来,众多研究显示了斑马鱼应用于环境毒理学研究中有其独特的优势,并已逐渐成为环境毒理学家们的新宠。利用转基因斑马鱼对污染物进行快速监测已成为目前研究的热点。 The zehrafish is a kind of small tropical freshwater fish. The many attractions of zebrafish include as fallows: it is easy to maintain at high densities in the laboratory, large numbers of embryos can be produced year round, fish grow to sexual maturity within four months and the optically transparent embryos develop externally. For a long time, zebrafish has been used as a model for the study of developmental biology and toxicology. In recent years, many studies have shown the specific advantages of using zebrafish in the study of environmental toxicology. This small freshwater species has become a new pet of environmental toxicologists. Furthermore, potential utility of transgenic zebrafish as monitoring system for aquatic environmental pollutants has become a research focus.
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第5期460-463,共4页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
关键词 斑马鱼 环境毒理学 生命周期试验 zebrafish environmental toxicology life-cycle test
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