以过氧化二异丙苯(DCP)为引发剂,通过单螺杆挤出机熔融挤出,制备了苯乙烯-异戊二烯-苯乙烯接枝马来酸酐(SIS-MAH),研究了SIS及SIS-MAH对聚苯乙烯(PS)/纳米碳酸钙(nano-CaCO3)复合材料物理、力学性能的影响,对其结构进行了表征。结果表明,MAH的用量宜为SIS质量分数的3%,DCP的用量应小于MAH质量分数的0.3%;当1份nano-CaCO3加入到PS/SIS(质量比100/2)复合材料中,SIS与nano-CaCO3产生协同增韧效应,复合材料的无缺口冲击强度可提高到9.83 kJ/m2,但其缺口敏感性增大;SIS-MAH较SIS对PS/nano-CaCO3复合材料具有更好的增韧效果,接枝率为3.08%的SIS-MAH改性PS/CaCO3复合材料(质量比100/5/6)的无缺口冲击强度可提高到11.69 kJ/m2;当SIS用量为6份时,SIS改性复合材料不发生弯曲断裂;当SIS-MAH用量为2份时,SIS-MAH改性复合材料不发生弯曲断裂。
Styrene-isoprene-styrene triblock copolymer grafting maleic anhydride ( SIS-MAH ) was prepared by single screw extruder with dicumyl peroxide (DCP) acted as initiator. The physical and mechanical properties of the polystyrene (PS)/ nano-CaCO3 composites modified by SIS and SISMAH was studied, and the microstructure of the fractured surface was also characterized by scanning electron microscope . The results showed that the proper mass fraction of MAH was 3% of SIS, and the mass fraction of DCP was less than 0.3% of MAH. SIS and nano-CaCO3 in a proper ratio could produce a synergistic toughening effect. The PS/ nano-CaCO3/SIS containing 1 phr nano-CaCO3 and 2 phr SIS showed some characters of semi-flexile materials, the non-notched impact strength enhanced to 9.83 kJ/m^2, but the notched sensitivity of the composites increased at the same time. Compared with SIS, SIS-MAH had a more efficient toughening effect on PS/nano-CaCO3 composite, the composite of PS/ nano-CaCO3/SIS-MAH ( mass ratio 100 : 5 : 6 ) with MAH grafting ratio 3.08 % exhibited a higher nonnotched impact strength , namely 11.69 kJ/m^2. When SIS content was 6 phr, the composites modified by SIS did not rupture at the flexural measurement, but to the SIS-MAH modified composite, the content was 2 phr instead.
China Synthetic Rubber Industry