
江西发现绵枣儿多倍体复合体多细胞型混合居群(英文) 被引量:2

Multicytotypic Populations of Scilla scilloides Polyploid Complex Found in Jiangxi,China
摘要 对来自江西省新干县三湖镇绵枣儿(Scilla scilloides)多倍体复合体两个居群263个植株进行了细胞学调查,发现4个整倍体细胞型,即BB、BBB、BBBB和ABBB。其中BBBB和ABBB为大陆上首次记录。至此在东亚大陆上已经发现该多倍体复合体12个整倍体细胞型中的9个。这表明东亚大陆也是该复合体细胞型分化的重要地区之一。此地出现ABBB和BBB,而未出现ABB以及非整倍体可能是说明自第四纪以来BB细胞型在大陆和朝鲜半岛的分布区正在收缩;大陆上AABB已经接近消失;而大陆、朝鲜半岛和济州岛(韩国)的BB和AABB混合居群只是残遗。大陆与日本列岛居群细胞型组成的相似性可能暗示着它们的某种历史关系,但是并不能支持日本分布的绵枣儿是从中国引入的“史前归化”植物。 Two populations (located at Sanhu town, Xingan co., Jiangxi province) of Scilla scilloides polyploid complex were surveyed cytologically, and four cytotypes, BB, BBB, BBBB, and ABBB were observed among two hundred and sixty three individuals. BBBB and ABBB were new records in East Asian continent. Until now, nine of the 12 euploid cytotypes of this polyploid complex have been found in the East Asian continent, which suggests the continent is one of the important locations where the cytotypic differentiation of the complex takes place. The occurrence of ABBB and BBB, but not ABB and aneuploids maybe demonstrates the distribution range of BB have contracted on the continent and Korean peninsula, AABB populations of plants with subglobese bulb have degenerated on the continent since Tertiary, and the mixed populations of BB and AABB are the relicts of populations on the continent, Korean peninsula and Cheju island. The cytotypo component similarity in these populations to that in populations on the Japanese archipelago may show some historical relations between them, but this fact is not able to manifest the hypothesis that this species on the Japanese islands is one of “prehistoric naturalized” plants introduced from China.
出处 《云南植物研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期501-508,共8页 Acta Botanica Yunnanica
基金 TheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(30270095),YunnanNaturalScienceFoundation(2000C0009M)
关键词 绵枣儿 多倍体 分布 Scilla scilloides Polyploidy Distribution
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