
Ti-Fe-Mo-Mn-Nb-Zr合金在不同pH值乳酸中的腐蚀性能研究 被引量:4

Corrosiveness of Ti-Fe-Mo-Mn-Nb-Zr Alloys in Various pH Lactic Acids
摘要 对应口腔环境中 p H值发生明显变化以及形成龋齿的自然现象 ,采用加速试验法研究了新型钛合金在不同 p H值乳酸中浸泡的耐腐蚀性能。研究表明当 p H=4即酸性略高于龋齿发病时酸性条件下 ,新型牙科钛合金能够完全耐乳酸腐蚀。在乳酸中腐蚀形式以点蚀为主 ,且随酸性增强有向晶间腐蚀转变的趋势。ICP分析表明合金在乳酸中的溶解析出物主要是 Fe,Fe的加入不利于合金的耐腐蚀性能。热力学计算表明设计的新型钛合金氧化膜含有 Mn2 O3、Nb2 O5、Zr O2 和 Ti O2 中的全部或部分 ,XPS分析表明氧化膜中的确含有 Mn2 O3、Nb2 O5和 Ti O2 ,主要是 Ti O2 。这三种氧化物致密且 Ti O2 和 Nb2 O5耐腐蚀 ,有利于合金的耐腐蚀性能。 Variation in pH value of oral cavity circumstance causes decayed tooth. In this paper, corrosions of Ti-Fe-Mo-Mn-Nb-Zr dental alloys in various pH lactic acids were studied by immersion test. In the case of pH=4, which is an acidity slightly larger than that causes decayed tooth, Ti-Fe-Mo-Mn-Nb-Zr alloys are entirely corrosion-resistant, and the corrosion type is pitting. With the increase in acidity, the corrosion-resistance of Ti- Fe-Mo-Mn-Nb-Zr alloys deteriorates, and the corrosion type changes from pitting to intergranular corrosion. Fe ion is the most dissolved substance in impregnation, which means Fe goes against the corrosion-resistance of Ti alloys. Both results of thermodynamics calculatoin and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have shown that Mn2O3, Nb2O5 and TiO2 form oxide film on the surface of Ti-Fe-Mo-Mn-Nb-Zr alloys.
出处 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期91-94,共4页 Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 吉林大学创新基金
关键词 Ti—Fe—Mo—Mn—Nb—Zr合金 pH值 乳酸 腐蚀性能 氧化物 龋齿 Ti-Fe-Mo-Mn-Nb-Zr alloys Lactic acid Corrosion Dental material
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