针对蔬菜自动嫁接时砧木和穗木的接合采用嫁接夹固定而存在的送夹装置设备复杂、耗材成本高等问题,设计了套管式接合装置。该装置由套管自动进给切断机构和套管夹持手爪组成:套管自动进给切断机构实现套管的自动进给和自动剪切。套管夹持手爪是左右对称的四杆机构,左右各有1个主动杆和从动杆,手爪执行构件固定在从动杆上;套管夹持手爪可将套管在开口处撑开,实现套管的张开和闭合。建立了套管式接合装置的数学模型,对夹持手爪的设计参数的优化结果为:当主、从动杆长度为35和25 mm,手爪执行构件长度为15 mm、手爪两转轴间距为6 mm、力作用点与转轴连线的距离为21 mm、电磁铁行程为5 mm时,套管张口幅度为5.4 mm。样机试验结果表明,套管夹持手爪将套管套在砧、穗木接合处的成功率为97%,达到设计要求。
A tube jointing device was adopted for the contact of stock and scion to predigest the device and to reduce cost, The tube device included an automatic tube sending and cutting device and an tube grasping finger. The former device was used to send and cut the tube automatically. The latter was a symmetrical four mechanical linkage with a driving lever and a follower lever on both sides, The operator was connected with follower lever, The tube grasping fin- ger made the tube close or open. Important parameters of grasping finger were analyzed by calculation and computer simulation. While length of driving lever, length of follower, length of finger' s operator, distance between finger' s two axes, distance from point of load to axis and electric magnet stoke h were 35 mm, 25 mm, 15 mm, 6 mm, 21 mm and 5 mm respectively, tube' s opening wide s was 5,4 mm, The results of prototype experiments showed that the ratio of success is 97%,
Journal of China Agricultural University