
极低出生体重儿持续与间断鼻饲喂养效果观察 被引量:6

Effect of feeding very low birth weight babies with continuous or intermittent nasal tube
摘要 [目的]探索极低出生体重儿(VLBW)的早期微量持续鼻饲喂养(CNG)与间断鼻饲喂养(ING)的喂养耐受性及喂养效果。[方法]将65例VLBW进行随机分组,CNG组起始奶量1mL/h,持续10h停2h,以后每小时增加1mL,ING组奶量以20mL/(kg·d)开始,每天增加20mL/kg,所有VLBW均同时进行部分静脉营养,直至达到完全胃肠道喂养时间(FEF)。对比两组喂养不耐受性、达到FEF、停止静脉补液时间及黄疸持续时间。[结果]CNG组较ING组出现喂养不耐受例数少、达到FEF早、静脉补液时间短、黄疸持续时间短。[结论]CNG更适合不能耐受间歇喂养、有严重呼吸疾病并伴有胃排空延迟的VLBW的早期微量喂养。 Objective: To probe into both the tolerance and the effects of early stage microamount feeding of very low birth weight (VLBW) babies with continuous nasal feeding (CNG) or intermittently nasal feeding (ING). Method: A total of 65 cases VLBW were randomly divided into two groups that were CNG and ING group. Infants of CNG group were started to give milk by nasal feeding at 1 mL/h for the first 10 hrs, then stop 2 hrs every 10 hrs and increase lml per hour. Infants of ING group were begun with nasal feeding by given milk at 20 mL/kg per day at first and increase 20 mL/kg every day. Meanwhile, all VLBW babies were given partial intravenous nutrition until reached fully enteral feeding (FEF). Indexes including the intolerance of feeding, time of reached FEF (no need intravenous fluids supplement) and time of neonatal jaundice persisted of the two groups infants were compared. Results: Less of infants in CNG group had feeding intolerance than that of ING group. Infants of CNG group reached FEF earlier and had a shorter time of intravenous fluids supplement and their jaundice persisted shorter time than that of ING group. Conclusion: For VLBW infants with intolerance to intermittently nasal feeding, or with severe respiratory diseases complicated with delayed gastric emptying, microarnount CNG is more fitted to start at early stage.
作者 王雅苹
出处 《护理研究(中旬版)》 2005年第9期1834-1835,共2页 Chinese Nursing Researsh
关键词 早产儿 极低出生体重儿 鼻饲喂养 护理 premature infant very low birth weight infant nasal feeding nursing care
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