
生存理性主导下的创业实践——以广州城乡结合部的成衣社区为例 被引量:5

Starting a Business under the Guidance of Survival Rationale:A Case Study of the Clothing-making Community at the Border Area between the City and the Countryside in Guangzhou
摘要 我国大规模的跨地区人口流动持续了20多年。在这庞大的流动人群内部,已开始出现社会分化,部分外出务工者开始选择异地创业来代替打工。但是,由于各种歧视性的制度限制,那些外来的小老板们时刻面临着因破产而无法在创业地生存下去的压力。他们的创业实践因而表现出特定的计算模式和经营方式,包括采用无条件压缩生活开支、使用无偿家庭劳动力、自我剥削和割喉式竞争等办法。这些实践表明,生存理性主导下的创业,具有自身的逻辑和特点,利润最大化的经济逻辑难以诠释这类经济行为。 Over twenty years in the past, China has seen a large cross-regional floating population, among whom there has been the social division because some have selected starting a business as a means of existence rather than working for others. However, those small private business owners from the outside always face the pressure of bankruptcy and survival due to various systems of discrimination against them. Thus their practices show special models of calculation and management, including the unconditional reduction of the living expenses, the use of payless family members, self-exploitation and suicide-like competition. Their practices reveal that starting a business under the guidance of survival rationale has its own logic and traits and the economic logic of maximum profit cannot explain such economic practices.
作者 高崇
出处 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期17-22,共6页 Thinking
关键词 流动人口 异地创业 生存理性 经济人类学 floating population start a business away from home survival rationale economic anthropology
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