香糯竹(Cephalostachyum pergracile Munto)是具有多种用途和经济价值较高的热带丛生中型竹种。本文扼要论述了香糯竹林的分布、自然条件和群落特征,揭示了香糯竹的秆形、秆重、含水量的变化规律和林分结构特点,并分析了地形条件对竹林生长的影响等。根据这些规律选择了适宜的数学模型,用实测材料拟合了各结构因子之间相关关系的回归方程,编制了调查规划和生产经营用表,提出了对现有林分年龄结构的改造途径,为林业调查规划及生产经营部门提供了计量标准和科学经营的依据。
Cephalostachyum pergracile is a tropical, tufted, middle sized bamboo which is used for many purposes and has a highly economical value.It distnibntes as a natural pure forest in a large area along river banks and on the lower parts of mountains below the altitude of 1000 meters in Xishuangbanna of southern Yunnan.In order to eslablish the management of this valuable natural resource on a reasonable and permanent base, we have recently made some investigations and studies on the Cephalostachyum pergracile forest. In this paper we have briefly discussed the natural conditions, the distribution and the characters of this bamboo community.Furthermore, we calculate the variations of the size, weight and water content of the culms.The topographical factors that affect the bamboo growth are also analysed. On the data collected, we select a suitable mathematic model, set up the regeression relationship between various construction factors and work out a table of investigation-planning and production-management.We also provide the way to reform the age-structure of the bamboo stand so that the bamboo survey and management with the standard measurement will be practised on a more reliable and scientific basis.
Journal of Bamboo Research
Cephalostachyum pergracile forest
Measurement tables