目的探讨抽动秽语综合征(Tourette syndrome,TS)患者可能存在的基底节结构改变。方法对10例右利手男性TS患者和10例匹配正常健康人进行头颅MRI检查,应用三维重建技术分别对尾状核、壳核、苍白球和全脑体积进行测量,比较两组之间的基底节体积差异,分析左右侧结构体积的对称性。结果对照组左侧基底节体积大于右侧(P<0.05);TS组双侧基底节各结构体积均明显减小,左侧更显著,左右侧体积比较无显著差异(P>0.05);基底节各结构体积与症状严重程度不相关。结论正常右利手人群中存在着基底节结构体积不对称性,左侧偏大;双侧基底节体积减小、丧失正常的不对称性,是TS患者的特征性结构改变。
Objective To stndy the properties of regional volume of basal ganglia of Tourette syndrome (TS). Methods Using a 1.5-Tesla Simens Mill scanner, the brains of 10 right-handed patients with TS and 10 normal controls matched for age, sex and handedness were imaged. The volumes of caudate, putamen, lenticular and whole brain size were measured in the 3-dimensional reconstruction images, The volumetric asymmetry of basal ganglia was analyzed. Results The predominance of left side was found in normal controls( P 〈0.05 ). The volumes of basal ganglia of both sides in TS reduced significantly. The predominance of left side in TS was lost ( P 〈 0. 05 ). There was no relationship between volumes of basal ganglia and symptom severity, Conclusion The basal ganglia volume of left side is predominant in normal healthy eontrols, The reduced volumes of basal ganglia in both sides and loss of predominanee of left side in TS may be the MRI characteristics of TS.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgical Disease Research